Phytoremediation Gallery
← In-Situ Phytoremediation of Landfill Leachate
Hybrid Poplar Landfill Cover, Irrigation, and Groundwater Monitoring
North Central Wisconsin Back to Main Project GalleryFormer Paper Company Landfill
The site is a closed landfill in North Central Wisconsin containing industrial (paper mill) wastes from a now-closed paper company.
Sand County Environmental designed, received WDNR approval, and constructed a pilot study using a tree cover to minimize leachate production. Later that year, the trees were deployed across most of the landfill cover.
Recently, the tree systems were upgraded when leachate collected from the landfill was incorporated into a highly-automated irrigation system, providing leachate as an irrigation source for the trees located on the landfill cover. This system reduces the need for trucking the leachate to the POTW, thereby reducing costs and reducing energy demands for the treatment of the leachate.
Sand County Environmental performs routine groundwater monitoring and operation of the leachate treatment systems.