Environmental Services
Release Services
Sand County Environmental provides a full range of environmental management and assessment services. We have been called on by clients from across the country to assist with property-related environmental management and regulatory issues.
Over our 20-year history, services that we have provided to our clients include:
- ASTM Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and Due Diligence for property transfers
- Soil, groundwater, and vapor environmental investigations and remediation
- Post-remediation monitoring and closure
Planning and Development
Much of the environmental management work Sand County Environmental performs is for repeat clients where we have performed on some other environmental matter. While our environmental management services are always very competitive on a cost basis, we often find that the quality of our people and work drive the demand for our services from clients we have previously served.
Sand County Environmental offers these environmental management services
- Stormwater evaluation and management
- Wetland delineation and shore land permitting
- Regional Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) planning
- Litigation support and expert testimony