Ag-Chem Industry
Pesticides, Fertilizers, Petroleum Products, Stormwater, Containment Systems
Sand County Environmental provides a wide range of environmental consulting services to the agricultural community. We investigate release impacts on soil and groundwater; design and implement remedial actions involving pesticides, fertilizers, and petroleum product; evaluate stormwater runoff conditions and advise on control and best management practices; inspect earthen containment structures and advise on modifications and upgrades; permit preparation for animal feedlots; and virtually any environmental aspect of the manufacturing, wholesale, and retail agricultural-chemical industry.
Sand County Environmental’s staff have provided environmental consulting services at more than 265 agricultural‑chemical handling facilities. These projects have involved a variety of agricultural-chemical facilities, including:
- Retail and wholesale fertilizer and pesticide suppliers
- Large fertilizer manufacturing plants containing extensive lagoon and load areas of concern
- Terminal facilities and other regional agricultural-chemical storage and distribution centers
- Commercial aerial applicator facilities with complex comingled pesticide spills
- Earthen liquid fertilizer containment structures
- Impacted secondary containment water systems
In addition to traditional excavation and landspread options, our approach to remediation at many of these sites considers phytoremediation, the use of plants to attain environmental cleanup goals. Our clients and regulatory staff have come to expect and appreciate how we use our exceptional technical skills to provide insightful and cost-effective solutions that bring sites to closure.
Sand County Environmental has conducted professional consulting for agricultural-chemical clients in many major agricultural states, including AR, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NY, OH, OR, VA,WI, and WA, operating under either state or federal regulations, or both.