About Us
About Sand County Environmental, Inc.
Established in 1996 as a start-up company, Sand County Environmental, Inc., has grown from a small regional firm serving several clients to our current structure with over 120 active projects across the country. As has been the case since inception, Sand County Environmental remains best known for these attributes:
- Superior technical skills: We are known among our clients and peers for our ability to comprehend and solve the most complex geologic and regulatory issues successfully time and again;
- Phytotechnology/Phytoremediation knowledge and practical experience: We remain the nation’s leading provider of phytoremediation services, and have been since we started providing these services in 1999;
- Friendly staff and excellent communication skills: We have always been known for our communication skills. Whether written, oral, or visual aids, Sand County Environmental makes communication of even the most complex technical material readily comprehensible for all.
Our primary offices are in Rosholt and Rhinelander, Wisconsin. The Sand County Environmental team is made up of professionals in geology, engineering, soil science, hydrogeology, biology, and archaeology. Most staff have more than 20 years of professional consulting experience.
Contacting Us
Main Office 262 West Forest Street P.O. Box 342 Rosholt, WI 54473 Tel 715.206.1360 rosholtoffice@sandcountyenv.com |
Rhinelander Office 580 Shepard Street Suite A Rhinelander, WI 54501 Tel 715.365.1818 rhinelanderoffice@sandcountyenv.com |
Plymouth Office Plymouth, WI 53073 Tel 920.918.9024 plymouthoffice@sandcountyenv.com |